What are the top benefits if you hire an off duty police officer?

There are many benefits when it comes to hiring an off-duty police officer. Not only do they provide protection and peace of mind, but most of all they provide security. That's why we've listed five of the biggest benefits if you hire an off duty police officer . There are certainly more than five benefits, but these are just some of the key elements an off-duty officer can provide. 1. They have immediate backup: officers on duty In many ways, police officers are never truly off duty. Unlike the regular security guard, police officers have the authority to call a radio station or call an officer on duty if necessary. Our agents follow the rules, they are reliable, they are there to help you, protect you and serve you. 2. Visual deterrent Whether a police officer is on or off duty; the mere presence of blue line traffic service at the scene has the potential to deter crime. When the guests or the audience of an event show up, th...